Tyr'd Ysbryd Sanctaidd dangos rym

(O flaen pregeth)
Tyr'd Ysbryd Sanctaidd, dangos rym
  Dy nerthol lym wirionedd,
Rho rasol fendith yma'n awr
  I fwrw i lawr anwiredd.

Rho ddawn a goleu
    Arglwydd Iôr
  I draethu'r cynghor dwyfol;
Ac agor di y galon gau,
  I dderbyn d'eiriau nefol.

Perffeithia, Iôr, dy nerth
    sydd fawr
  Yn ngwyneb dirfawr wendid,
Rho i'r newynog, tlawd, a chaeth,
  Ysbrydol faeth a rhyddid.

Wel dyro eto gymorth rhwydd
  O Arglwydd yr arglwyddi;
Lle'r amlhäodd pechod cas,
  Gwna di i'th ras ragori.
Thomas Jones 1756-1820

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Gwalia (alaw Gymreig)
Rachel (<1875)
St Beuno (<1875)

  Aglwydd Dduw'r Hwn bïa(u)'r waith
  Rho ddawn a goleu Arglwydd Iôr
  Wel dyro eto gymhorth rhwydd

(Before a sermon)
Come Holy Spirit, show the force
  Of thy strong, sharp truth,
Give a gracious blessing here now
  To cast down untruth.

Give the gift and light
    of the Sovereign Lord
  To expound the divine counsel;
And open thou the closed heart,
  To receive thy heavenly words.

Perfect, Lord, thy strength
    which is great
  In the face of enormous weakness,
Give to the starving, poor, and captive,
  Spiritual nourishment and freedom.

So give again free help
  O Lord of lords;
Where hated sin has multiplied,
  Make thou thy grace triumph.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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